Fiche : Finding your way around an internet page


To go onto the internet I need to use a browser
For example, Google and Firefox are browsers

When I open up an internet page there are several parts:

  • The browser menu in green

  • The website in red

  • The tabs in blue

I go onto the internet with a computer:

The browser menu at the top of the screen
always has the same symbols:

On a Windows computer

On a Mac – Apple

  • The cross closes an internet page

  • The double arrow or the double square
    increases or reduces the size of the window

  • The line hides an internet window without closing it

At the top of the screen to the left there is also:

  • An arrow pointing towards the left to go back

  • An arrow pointing towards the right to go to the next page

  • A rotating arrow to update the page

Going onto the internet with my telephone
To go onto the internet with my telephone

I use an app like

  • Google


  • Safari

To use my Alcatel Bouygues telephone
I use the helpsheet Using my Alcatel smartphone

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