Fiche : Finding your way around an internet page
En activant le mode contrasté, je facilite ma visite sur le site.
En activant le mode sombre, moins énergivore, je réduis mon impact environnemental.
Découvrir notre démarche d’éco-conceptionTo go onto the internet I need to use a browser
For example, Google and Firefox are browsers
When I open up an internet page there are several parts:
I go onto the internet with a computer:
The browser menu at the top of the screen
always has the same symbols:
On a Windows computer
On a Mac – Apple
At the top of the screen to the left there is also:
Going onto the internet with my telephone
To go onto the internet with my telephone
I use an app like
To use my Alcatel Bouygues telephone
I use the helpsheet Using my Alcatel smartphone