Fiche : My Bouygues Telecom telephone plan


Finding out about my new Bouygues Telecom telephone plan
My plan is free for two years
I have to activate my plan with my SIM card
To activate my SIM card, I use the form ‘Activating my SIM card’

With my new Bouygues Telecom telephone plan :

  • I have unlimited calls within France
    I can call for as long as I like
  • I have unlimited SMS and MMS messages within France.
    This means as many as I like.
  • I can use 20 GB of internet each month in France, through :
    – going on the Internet
    – using apps
    – sending emails
    – watching videos
    Warning: watching videos uses lots of GB

I can not :

• Phone abroad or phone French overseas territories
• Phone from abroad or from French overseas territories
• Send SMS or MMS messages to or from French overseas territories
• Use more than 20 GB of internet each month

How much is 1 GB of internet connection ?

With 1 GB, I can go on the internet for between 1 and 2 hours or send around 100 emails

To be entitled to the Bouygues Telecom telephone plan :

  • I need to activate my plan before the 1st December 2021 by calling 09 81 66 21 25 from Monday to Saturday between 09.00 am and 19.00 pm
    I can use the form ‘Activating my SIM card’
  • I need to have paid all my Bouygues Telecom bills
    if I am already a customer of theirs
  • I have to cancel my previous plan
    if I have a plan with another telephone company

My new Bouygues Telecom plan will stop automatically after 24 months, i. e. 2 years.

With my Bouygues Telecom plan

  • I can call these numbers free of charge :

660 to listen to voice messages
654 to see my telephone number
680 to view my usage
1064 to speak to a Bouygues Telecom advisor

• I can go onto the Bouygues Telecom application in my Customer Area.

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