Fiche : Using a search engine
En activant le mode contrasté, je facilite ma visite sur le site.
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Découvrir notre démarche d’éco-conceptionTo search on the internet, I use a search engine
There are various search engines
For instance :
How do they work ?
For example : I am looking for the post office opening hours
I open a search engine
I click on my computer’s browser
such as Safari, Edge…
A search engine is displayed
I write the key words into the search bar
For instance, ‘Lille Post Office opening hours’
When I write the key words
The search engine helps me by suggesting words
When I click on the key Enter on my keyboard
A page opens with the names and addresses of post offices in Lille
To view the opening hours, I click on the one that is most useful
To get to know internet words,
I can use the form ‘Internet words and expressions’